6 Amazing Tips for an Organic Lifestyle

Is an organic lifestyle meant for someone like me? Why should I adapt to an organic lifestyle? Isn’t living organically means being a hippy, sleeping under trees and eating just raw vegetables? These are just a few of the many questions people have in their mind regarding adapting to an organic lifestyle.

Truth is just anyone can move to an organic lifestyle. And no, you don’t need to leave your house or anything you love. It is about living a natural and healthy life and caring for the environment as much as yourself (if not more).

The beginning of an Organic Lifestyle

Adopting an organic lifestyle is expensive, complicated, and clearly not as easy as some health Einsteins say it is. Moving to an organic lifestyle after a lifelong use of processed food and products can be a big change.

Many people make the mistake of suddenly switching to an all-in-all organic lifestyle and find the transition just too damn hard.

#TheCoconutPeople advocate a different approach. Take baby steps, make small changes in your lifestyle each day, and notice the difference it brings to your body and mood. Once you start witnessing positive changes, you will find you're motivated to go to the next level.

To make the transition smooth, we have compiled a list of easy steps you can embrace for more organic-driven habits.

1. Go Local    

Well! The first step to organic living is eating fresh, which as we know is gradually becoming a thing of the past in our fast-paced life. The supermarket may be a stone's throw away but the ingredients you are buying from there may not be necessarily fresh.

Try visiting your local markets to buy some fresh fruits, vegetables, and other ingredients. That is the least you can do to kick start your organic journey of the lifetime.

2. Grow Your Own Organic Garden

Thinking of planning an organic garden in today's age of high-rise apartment style living can give you shockers for sure.  However, you do not need to have huge backyards to be able to grow your own food. With all the information you need for vertical gardening at your fingertips, anyone can start their little organic garden.

Start harvesting your own produce because it is not just healthy or organic but also quite interesting. Gardening is an art and an amazing stress-buster after a busy day at work. 

3. Use Only Non-toxic Skincare Products

When we think about leading an organic lifestyle, our focus mainly remains on changing our food habits. Organic lifestyle is much more than that.

You need to work towards changing so many aspects of our life. One such aspect is changing the skincare products you are using and moving to non-toxic organic skincare products.

Nowadays, there are so many brands that only sell organic products. You can also use homemade beauty products instead of chemical-filled cosmetics. For example, replace your facial mask with a homemade mask of coffee and honey or replace your moisturizer and body lotion with virgin coconut oil.

Tip – Make sure the product comes in an eco-friendly packaging. 

4. Wear Organic

Yes. Organic clothing is a real thing. In order to wear organic, all you have to do is make sure that the materials of your clothes are produced keeping in mind the organic agricultural standards. And organic fabric is far more comfortable than whatever you have been wearing all this while. Try it once and chances are that you will never go back. 

5. Go Minimalistic

Going organic is not just about eating organic or wearing organic. It is also about removing unwanted products from your life and living a minimalist lifestyle.  

Why hoard tons of products when one product can serve multiple purposes. For example, a bottle of virgin coconut oil can be used as a moisturizer, body lotion, lip balm, hair oil, hair conditioner as well as a cooking oil. It is one of the most versatile ingredients you can have in your organic lifestyle. 

6. Finally, Don't be too Rigid

A lifestyle that you have been following for several years will take time to change. Don’t be too hard on yourself while transitioning to an organic lifestyle. As we said before, take baby steps, get used to it, and then move to make the next big change. 

Persistence and perseverance are the keys here. And most importantly, enjoy the process and you will fall in love with your newfound lifestyle. 

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